equal signs

guest post by Reynaldo Ishiwasho 

just feet from me sit three women

talking in a coffee house

about this and that and other things

I pay little attention to


they are mere feet from me


on the table next to this spiral notebook

sits my phone

a powerful computer more capable

in itself of the super power

sent on some early apollo missions


with it I can push buttons

communicate instantaneously across

the globe

with some compatriot who I know

only by those buttons

and a pixilated image on a social media page


should I celebrate this strangely

small world

or should I mourn for not knowing

these three women whose real voices

and concerns I pay no attention to

and instead think only of these pixilated

images of unmet compatriots


I am confused


I know I communicate across

the world on the basis of


a two-0digit system where

everything is translated into

a zero and one and then

back again


back and forth back and forth


mathematics masking and unmasking

my possible words to a being

I never physically met

whose vocal cords never shimmered

for me so that my ear could

hear his voice


but these women I don't know

their vocal cords shimmer

and my ears hear but

I don't focus on their talk

don't listen


because the world has

become too small

has been reduced in some ways

to mere zeroes and ones

and their related pixels that sometimes

move and sometimes don't


what is it to hear another

in such a world

what is it to talk and listen


no math

can account for the vocal cords'


to the way a slight tonal shift can alter 

an entire world—

a world formed by a conversation


math is not equal to us

or to this teeming world

of trees and bugs and glorious weeds


yet we have allowed us to be

equal to it

too often

too often I fear




Reynaldo Ishiwasho was born of an acorn beneath the wide canopy of a shade oak. While he is definitely human, as his name implies, he has no known ethnicity or race. He's just kind of a rootless tree man. He is just beginning to publish poetry.



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