How I Deal With Hearing Voices
by Jay Paul Recently, I learned that my diagnosis has changed—from "schizoaffective" to "schizophrenia unspecified." Whatever. It's still the same old thing. Yes, I hear voices. I suppose all of us schizophrenics come up with techniques to deal with and overcome them. Here, I will point to one that has worked for me. As always, I caution you that what works for me may not work for you. We schizophrenics need to talk to each other about our techniques and experiment, trying out various ones until we happen upon those that work. Anyway, my best technique is not to ignore them entirely. I recognize, acknowledge, and listen to them for a time when they come—which, lately, has been a good part of every day. After this greeting, I then tell them—quietly, of course, so that I don't look "crazy" to neurotypicals—that I am going away to attend to other matters. I then force myself to concentrate on what I need to do, whether it be meditating, doing the di...